Dopo la cancellazione delle fiere di settore a Berlino e i mille dubbi su Parigi, la Camera della Moda ha deciso, nonostante la defezione annunciata da Armani, di mantenere la Fashion week come monito all’impegno, alla speranza e alla resilienza con il seguente comunicato internazionale che invita a seguirla online via streaming.
Milano Moda Uomo is finally here! from the 14th of January to 18th of January 2022 the Milano Fashion Week – Men’s Collection Fall/Winter 22-23 will be available for everyone on our digital platform at the website . Enjoy all the livestreams directly from the most anticipated runway shows, explore new collections and dive into the world of fashion with exclusive contents, backstage and interviews with some of the most renowed industry leaders.
In precedenza il calendario era stato annunciato dal seguente comunicato di Carlo Capasa, Presidente della Camera della Moda.
Dear all,
we are pleased to share with you the definitive calendar of the Milano Fashion Week Men’s Collection 14/18 January 2022. The event will be produced with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and ITA-Agency, and it includes 16 fashion shows; 22 presentations and presentations on appointment; 18 digital contents and 7 events for a total of 53 brands in the calendar and 60 appointments.
Compared to the provisional calendar presented at the last press conference on December 13th, some brands have changed the way they present their collections, transforming their fashion shows into digital contents and/or presentations on appointments.
All the events on the calendar can be followed on, the digital platform of Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana, which will also host the eighth edition of the Fashion Film Festival Milano, whereas the premiere of “Elio Fiorucci – Free Spirit”, scheduled for Monday January 17th, has been postponed to the upcoming Milano Fashion Week Women’s Collection in February.
We remind you that, in the light of Law Decree no. 221 of 24 December 2021 and of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 30 December 2021, both shows and activities (presentations and events) are allowed with the attendance of guests, provided that the procedures and protocols to avoid the spread of infection by Covid-19 are applied. The Fashion Week will take place, as always, in compliance of the legislation and restrictions in force which require that all the participants hold a Super Green Pass and wear a FFP2 mask.
In this regard, today the update (no. 4) of our document, “Operating indications for the production of protocols for the protection of Health and Prevention of the Risk of infection by Covid-19 in staging Fashion Shows,” drawn up in collaboration with the Competent Authorities with a joint check of the latest legislative restrictions required by the Government, has been sent to all brands taking part in the Fashion Week.
The Milano Fashion Weeks have been recognized, on a local and international level, by the professionals, as the ones where they felt the safest and most protected. This was also possible thanks to the constant work carried out along with the Institutions, such as the ATS- Agenzia della Tutela della Salute della città Metropolitana di Milano (Health Protection Agency of the Metropolitan City of Milan) and the Municipality of Milan, and we therefore confirm a Fashion Week that will take place in compliance with the regulations and restrictions in force to guarantee maximum safety for the activities taking place.
Hoping to meet you on the next days, starting from Friday onwards.
My warmest regards
Carlo Capasa