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The Italian Glass Weeks

Vision Milan Glass Week e The Venice Glass Week – danno vita a un nuovo grande evento: The Italian Glass Weeks.

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Fortuna Vitrea fa parte del ricco programma di eventi di The Italian Glass Weeks, un nuovo importante Festival organizzato nell’ambito del 2022 United Nations International Year of Glass. La prima settimana della manifestazione si terrà a Milano dal 10 al 18 settembre 2022 e sarà dedicata principalmente al vetro industriale. La seconda settimana si terrà a Venezia dal 17 al 25 settembre 2022 e sarà dedicata al vetro artistico. Il Festival, presentato e promosso dagli organizzatori di Vision Milan Glass Week e The Venice Glass Week, ha l’obiettivo di mostrare, promuovere e sostenere il vetro in Italia a livello nazionale e internazionale.

Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare e

The Centro Studi per il Patrimonio Culturale organization is pleased to invite you to the vernissage of the Fortuna Vitrea exhibition which will be held on Saturday 17th of September 2022 from 6.00 pm to 7.30 pm, at the Vetreria Artistica Gino Mazzuccato, F.ta Manin 1 – Venice. 

Fortuna Vitrea is a part of the rich program of events of The Italian Glass Weeks, a new important Festival organized as part of the 2022 United Nations International Year of Glass. The first week of the event will be held in Milan from 10th to 18th September 2022 and it will focus mainly on industrial glass. The second week will be held in Venice from 17th to 25th September 2022 and it will focus on artistic glass. The festival, presented and promoted by the organizers of Vision Milan Glass Week and The Venice Glass Week, aims at showing, promoting and supporting Italian glass crafting on a national and international level. 

For more information visit and

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